5 Unconventional Ways to develop Extraordinary Work Ethics!

Sahil Goura
4 min readApr 17, 2021
work ethics

A strong work ethic is an important part of being successful in your career. Work ethic is a set of values based on the ideals of discipline and hard work.

Building a strong work ethic will allow a person to train themselves so that hard work is almost automatic.

Forming good habits such as focusing, staying motivated, finishing tasks immediately, and more helps to create a good work ethic that will impress employers.

You should not only develop extraordinary work ethics only for employers because they are paying you salary, you must develop it for yourself also.

You need to understand that job is for you and not the vice-versa so you need to develop strong work ethics for yourself as it will help you in become an efficient person.

People with a good work ethic have the ability to stay focused on tasks for as long as necessary to get them done. Building persistence will allow you to basically train yourself to work for longer periods of time while also working harder.

5 Ways you can develop Extraordinary Work Ethics!

work ethics
  1. Believe in the process:- Firstly you need to believe in the process. The process that you have developed is beneficial for you. Then you need to love the process, once you start loving the process you will become better at it.

The difference between a good presentation and an extraordinary presentation is those 15 mins of extra efforts.

You need to show up every single day so that you become consistent as well as it will help you in improving your skills.

The best way is you under promise and over deliver. This will definitely help you in the long run as your client can never complain upon the work you have delivered and it will build trust.

You can also build trust by citing more examples from your experience.

2. Push More and Do More:- By putting in just 4 hours extra everyday will give you an edge of 1460 hours at the end of the year.

The main reason you are unable to push yourself is because of the lack of WHY!

You need to have a clear WHY to push yourself more, otherwise your mind will ask what is the need of working so hard.

If you do not have any answer then you will stop working hard, but if you are having that WHY then it will motivate you to work harder and get better every single day.

You also need to understand that your WHY should be more than money because if your WHY will only be money then you are not clear on how much money because it is an infinite loop as generating money is endless.

For example:- If you set a target of 1 Million dollars and achieve it, then there will be no motivation left and you will stop there and then and you will stop progressing.

Think about something big, the change you want to bring in the world. You cannot do everything but you can do something.

If you want to do something for blind or physically disabled people or cows or dogs etc. then you need to set a goal.

3. Create a to-do and done list:- This will help you in tracking your progress. You will get to know what you have done and what more you need to do.

To create a To-do list first you need to plan your goal.

If you want to start a YouTube channel you need to learn the pre requisites of starting it. Then you need to plan what type of videos do you want.

After that you need to find the topics on which you have to make videos. Find a micro niche and write atleast 50 topics before starting.

Then find the video editing softwares and start making videos. Take 1, take 2 till you are satisfied with your video.

Have a follow up chart in which you write the tasks, progress, exercise, water intake, healthy diet, meditation and all the things you require to achieve that goal.

Healthy diet, exercise and water intake are a must to remain fit and healthy in the long run so don’t skip these.

You can check the full article on:- https://wandererbeast.com/work-ethics/



Sahil Goura

I am an Engineer as well as a blogger. My website is about Self-Improvement, Life Hacks, Life Lessons and Facts. My website : -https://wandererbeast.com/